Chemical nomenclature must evolve to reflect the needs of the community that makes use
of it. In particular, nomenclature must be created to describe new compounds or classes of
compounds; modified to resolve ambiguities which might arise; or clarified where there is
confusion over the way in which nomenclature should be used. There is also a need to make
nomenclature as systematic and uncomplicated as possible in order to assist less familiar
users (for example, because they are only in the process of studying chemistry or are nonchemists
who need to deal with chemicals at work or at home)
Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry
عن مجمع الكتب
مجمع الكتب موقع عربي لنشر الكتب المصورة في جميع المجالات المختلفة .. يحتوي على موسوعة ضخمة بين أيديكم
23. كتب الكيمياء
23. كتب الكيمياء